If you have any bugs, you can ask here and search here for existing solutions!
First troubleshooting steps.
- Download and extract all the files to their own folder.
- Then set the executable to run as admin.
- Set the compatibility mode to Windows XP SP2.
Common Bugs and their solutions
A different part of my screen is being recorded instead of the area I selected
- Go to your control panel, appearance and personalization, then display. Set the view to “smaller – 100%” and re-login to have the settings take effect.
My application crashes when I start it
- If your Windows is not up to date. Download and install the .NET Framework 3.5 and the .NET Framework 4.0 if you do not have them installed.
- The executable must not be renamed.
I get a “Parameter is not valid” error
- If you do not have full access on your computer. The application may be restricted to only saving gifs in the same directory as the application.
Hey SEGnosis. I get image artifacting when I try to make gifs. I’ve tried adjusting the quality and size, but it still happens. Someone told me that it’s an issue of the amount of colors in the video I’m giffing. Is there a way to alleviate this?
The gifs are limited to a 256 color pallet.
If you would like true colors, it would have to be saved as a webm.
nm figured it out
When I request the update by giving my email it doesn’t send anything and I tried to resend my email and it says the update link has already been sent to that email. Help?
Request a download link via
No matter what I do, when I go to save a gif it comes back and says “There was an error. The details of the error are: Sequence contains no elements”
In resources it shows all of the frames, but it won’t export the gif. I’ve tried running it in compatibility mode and as an admin; the same error returns.
Download the latest version of giffing tool
I am running the latest version. I have downloaded it multiple times. I have tried compatability and admin as stated above. The problem persists.
Update: I updated from 3.9 to 4.0 And the problem still persists.
I’ve added a caption or text to my gif. I don’t see any way to close the caption tools to return to the size and quality settings unless I delete my caption. Is there a way to do that without deleting the caption? Thanks!
To deselect a caption, you must click outside of the caption, anywhere in the editor.
I bought this program quite some time ago, haven’t used it since, how can I get my paid version without the little bar?
In the support page, I have read to add ‘[email protected]’ to my whitelist to receive the download link for giffing tool. I received an email from ‘[email protected]’ with the download link and wasn’t sure if the email address could be trusted. Have I received a spam email, or is this the genuine download? I also cannot seem to be able to send an email to ‘[email protected]’
We switched email hosts to be able to send to hotmail since godaddy is blocked.
It is a legitimate download from us.
Extend it on the timeline
I’ve extended the text across the timeline for many different lengths. The text just seems to vanish behind the gif once i click anywhere outside the text box. It is still visible in the timeline, but doesn’t overlay on top of the gif.
I’ve got no idea what would cause that
Heartbreaking. Most definitely an easy and amazing app. If this ever gets replicated by anyone else and ends up getting resolved ill be sure to donate again. Thanks for the quick response. I’ll just stick to “silent films” for now. Haha
why aren’t any of the gifs i make as smooth as the source? increasing fps only speeds the animation up. the quality doesn’t seem that great either. having my capture set to 10fps looks really laggy. how do i get around this?
If your computer cannot record at 30 fps, you can open the video in giffing tool instead of recording.
For some reason, I’m not receiving the update email in my account. It worked before a while back, but it’s not working right now.
Try adding [email protected] to your whitelist.
Whenever I try and upload my gifs it says “try using a smaller area” or something along those lines.
P.S I forgot how to crop. How do I do it again? (You must be facepalming)
You might be recording an area that is too big or a recording that is too long. 300 size and 5-10 seconds is preferred.
For cropping, click the crop icon on the left toolbar and resize to the crop area you want. Then save your gif as normal.
I just used the buy later version and it was working great. So I decided to buy the actual version. For some reason even after two downloads I am unable to open the file.
Cannot open file: it does not appear to be a valid archive.
I don’t understand, the buy it later version works fine but this one does not even want to open to be extracted.
Try downloading it on another browser or computer
Will try that. Just have to wait another 30 minutes…
Thank You.
It finally downloaded correctly. It failed twice downloading using Crome. And it works using Internet Explorer. Just a heads up to others about to download this. IE seems to be the better option. Thanks again man, looking forward to making silly stuff on the internet with your beautiful program.
I look forward to see some of it : ]
Could you add more editing options (i.e brightness, contrast, clarity, etc.) in the next update?
What do you mean by clarity?
It’s basically the same thing as sharpness, which you could add instead of clarity if necessary.
I have a question.
How do I loop a webm on the program? When I open the webms I captured they all don’t loop.
As far as I know. Webms are looped by browsers and not by themselves.
So depending on the browser I’m using it’ll either loop or not?
P.S. I’m using chrome.
That’s correct.
You can use an addon or user script to try and have it automatically loop.
You can right click the WebM and set looping to ON.
Thanks for a great tool.
Is there any way to caption/add text to multiple frames without going frame by frame?
And is there any way to do multi-line captions?
Click and drag the caption on the timeline.
We don’t have multi-line captions at this time.
Just use two text boxes for now.
If I donate again, will I receive a new download link? Or do I have to use a different paypal account? I really want to have giffingtool on both of my computers.
You will receive a new download link with a new purchase, however, Giffing Tool is not restricted per computer.
Everytime I start giffing tool I get this error message: “It seems something went wrong. Try recording a smaller area for a shorter time period to not overload your computers memory”
I’ve tried setting XP compatibility mode, downloading the latest version and starting the program as administrator.
Make sure its all extracted together and try extracting it to your C:\ drive
Generally how long does it take to receive the e-mail with the download? I donated and am anxiously awaiting.
Will happily donate more once I receive it of course.
It can take up to an hour depending on your email’s spam filter.
It is sent to your paypal email and from what I see, your paypal email is different from the one you posted with here.
I cant open the Giffing Tool was working fine up to a few days ago and now I get a message saying the program has stopped working and closes.
What is the message shown?
Where’s the delay in 3.9?
The framerate is in the middle bar to the right of the label “Framerate”
Every time I create a webm video and try to make it look smooth by increasing the FPS all I get is the GIF speeding up. So how can I increase the amount of frames and make the video look smoother without making it speed up?
You could use the time remapper to duplicate frames, but I don’t know if that will give you the look you’re going for.
Looking at that webm video on the main page of this site, it’s really smooth. I’m trying to replicate that by increasing the framerate in my gifs. Instead all it’s doing is making the video faster like here: https://mediacru.sh/_JIc-r7fCBBf
I opened a 60 fps video and saved it as a webm. I didn’t speed up a 30 fps video.
Is there a way to make it play in reverse at the end of the video? So that is plays forward, then backward, then forward, then backward, etc. Thanks!
Select the end. Copy and paste and click reverse as needed.
Thanks! I figured it out with your help!
When will I receive the email for the purchased app? I have already tried to resend it to my email, but nothing is showing up in my inbox or spam folder.
Have you added [email protected] to your whitelist?
Browser: Chrome
Operating System: Windows 7
Drive on the Web / Drive for desktop: Both
Giffing Tool(which is stored in my Google Drive) stores copies of each frame of a file in my Google Drive trash. Here is how it works, I open a file(in this case MP4), I do my thing, save it. Google drive trash is clear, but if I click record new area or close G.T. and then open it again, frames from the last project will get loaded into the trash. If I screen grab, but without editing or saving the file, and just close G.T. the screen grab frames will go to the trash.
It’s not really a problem I guess, I can just click empty trash. I just wanted to let you know and was kinda wondering if that’s normal? I’m curious if it was on my computer would it store those files in a tmp folder until the Disk Cleaner got to it? That seam like a dumb questions but I’m just trying to make sure I understand what Giffing Tool is doing.
The frames from the last recording/opening are deleted when you either close Giffing Tool, make a new recording, or open a file for editing.
At times when I would make a gif it would look to be working until I upload it to Tumblr. Once uploaded it wouldn’t move, making it look like a screen shot. In making a set, some of the gifs would move and others wouldn’t. I’m not sure what problem I’m running into here.
Tumblr has a gif size limit. If the gif is bigger than the limit, it removes its animation. Its usually around 1.1 MB. Try trimming them shorter or making them smaller.
Do they do that for all gifs? Because I have some that are 2-3 MBs and they worked fine.
As far as I know, yes.
I can’t unzip the file in Windows 8. It says the zipped file is empty and invalid.
Redownload with the update form.
It worked. Thank you!
I would like to know if is possible to execute giffing tool without internet conection.
It is
Hi. I purchased this product from the paypal link and I don’t have a paypal account. Is there any way I can get the purchased copy thru emal? I have the confirmation number to verify the purchase.
It was already sent to whatever email you entered on the payment form.
can i change the framerates on selected frames without deleting the other frames?
You can use the time remapping to duplicate frames (slow down) or remove frames (speed up) on a selected area.
Think my reply flew under the radar, so I’ll just ask again. Can I get a download link for a previous version of Giffing Tool please? The zip I’ve tried to download about 5 times now for the recent version are all corrupt.
The download links are automated and don’t link to past versions.
You’ll have to download from a more reliable source if your internet is unreliable.
I think there is something wrong with the update file I was emailed earlier. I replaced the old Giffing Tool zip file I had with the update, and the new file is 9.62 MB in size, but claims to be empty. Is there any way I could get a new download link, or is there a way to fix the extraction issue?
You can request a new download link through the update page:
Okay, I got a new download (and another one after that) and I still had the same issues. The .zip was completely corrupt, and neither windows explorer or 7zip manage to extract the files. I downloaded a fix-it program for corrupted files and figured out what the problem is. It says that ffmpeg is either missing or corrupt, and when I ran the Giffing Tool application, it said “settings” was missing.
Could I please get a download link for a previous, recent version? I feel I might have more luck with that.
Hey man, is there a way to shrink the file size of webm files? I have seen alot of webms on imageboards that are 720hd, last over 30seconds and are all under 3mb. Anyways great program, hopefully you can make this happen with giffing tool as webm is the new way of the future!
I need to fiddle with the encoder a bit more to get it that optimized.
Do you know the settings used on ffmpeg to achieve that level of compression?
Nah I wouldn’t have a clue what settings are used as I don’t use ffmpeg myself, however I found 2 informative tutorials over at neogaf that (may?) be of some interest to you:
Heres an example of a 37second webm file that is only 2.8mb(mind the language)
I love it
Just liked to say awesome work on V3.9, will be a great tool for imageboards/forums.
I was just wondering if there was a feature that would allow me to speed up a gif a little? Because i can’t seem to find it, if it exists.
Change the framerate to a higher number or use the time remapper to remove some frames.
When adding text then centering it the position changes to the right a bit after you click off the text layer. I’m always adding two extra spaces to center it.
Is it possible to A. Just put the text wherever we want without the snapping? And B. Have multiple lines of text??
I am using the latest version btw.
I love giffing tool! It has made making gifs so much easier for me. However, once I started using the bought version and I go to save, the little window shows up and and it says its processing but it doesn’t. When I click it the little window says its not responsive and I end up having to close the program. Any thoughts about what is wrong?
That issue is now resolved. Download version 3.8 and it shouldn’t freeze when processing frames.
Where can I download version 3.8? The download link doesn’t seem to take me anywhere, and at the bottom of the Homepage only version 3.7 is for download.
I just started to use version 3.7 on a Win 8.1 64bit, and it works up until I go to save. The smaller “Processing” window appears, but its blank inside. http://i.imgur.com/CmIxzpE.jpg
I have restarted the system, and I have extracted and run a new copy of giffing tool from my .zip download. Any thoughts?
Try moving it to a better folder such as Program Files or C:\ if access is restricted on your system.
I’m having the same problem…
The program was working amazingly, then I unpinned it from my task bar. When I go to open it now, I get an error “settings.txt does not exist” -.-
Wherever you have giffing tool located, create a text file called settings.txt if it doesn’t exist or move it to another folder where it has more access.
GIFs captured from youtube videos become black and white (but with a slight blue hue). It looks fine in the program itself, the issue arises when I save it. I’ve tried fiddling with the FPS and quality a little but it still happens.
That is a bug that was resolved within an hour of it being released. You should update to the latest version.
I have version 3.6, isn’t that the latest? When I open the saved gif (with the black/white/blue hue) with the program again, the colour returns. So surely the information is in the file somewhere, why isn’t it being used?
Delete your copy and redownload the latest version. The fix wasn’t put as a update.
When I go to:
and input my email it tells me a link has already been sent (“A download link has already been sent to that email.”), even though the only email I have is the original download link, which has expired.
The form is limited to one request per hour per email to avoid spam.
Go ahead and give it another try.
It turns out it was just an issue with the program I use to view GIFs (IrfanView). When I view them in Chrome or IE they work just fine. The one that originally made me suspicious simply had a lot of blue in it. Thanks for your time.
Gifs are in slowmotion when openen on iOS, is there any way to fix this?
Hi There,
i was just wondering if you could add support for “Display Zoom – 125%”, that is because
I’m using a FullHD screen whenever i need to create a GIF Image, i would need to switch my display to 100% zoom which makes my work even harder due to small icons and words.
Thank you
P.S: Love The work you done!
Hello this is a fantastic program.
I wanted to know if there is any way to put images on the gif like text.
I’m trying to accomplish something like in this video but without photoshop. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UW0OLNWbIg
Not currently
Hi, I’m having a problem with the latest update of the app. I noticed that it keeps disappearing after some time, like it has been erased from the system. I didn’t had this problem before today.
I figured out what happened. It was Norton that kept getting rid of it. But just to ask, there’s nothing with the Update 3.6? Nothing to that will risk the safety of my system? It’s a pretty dumb question though since I’ve been using the program for about a year now, and hadn’t had something like this happen before, but better safe then sorry.
Its 100% clean, norton is just awful all around.
The software doesn’t delete itself, something you are running would be deleting or moving it
The luminate effect doesn’t seem to work for me, even in the latest version. Grayscale looks fine, but any GIF I save after applying the luminate effect looks the same as one without it. Any ideas?
I’ll have that fixed in the next update
I want to upgrade to 3.6 but can’t find the request download link. Where is it?
I’ve just bought version 1.1 but when i try to update it to the latest version, i get the same version. Do i have to pay again?
Where are you trying to update?
on this site
We are on version 3.6, you couldn’t have just bought 1.1
when i click on properties it says i’ve got version 1.1
The version is under Options->About
says version
do you mind emailing me the link to version 3please?
its v3.6, sorry, it didnt look like the it compared to the one being used on a youtube tutorial but thank you! great tool by the way
The video is a bit dated, it shows less features than what is now available. Thanks
Just purchased the paid version and I am getting this error when I click new:
Any help with this?
That is very strange, do you have multiple monitors that are arranged in a strange manner?
I do have multiple monitors, but they are not arranged in any strange way. Just right next to each other. But i just tested it and it works if I click “New” while the window is on my right hand larger monitor.
FYI I have a 1680 x 1050 on the left hand side, and a 1920 x 1200 on the right. Right hand larger monitor is set as my main display.
Every time I go to save a gif, it comes up with the error: It seems something went wrong. Try recording a smaller area for a shorter time period to not overload your computers memory.
Try using the latest version and saving in the same folder as giffing tool.
I get a pink dot in the lower right corner of finished gifs. What’s up?
That is fixed in the next update
Cool, thanks for the quick reply!
Hi, I bought giffing tool and was wondering if you will adding transparent text options or if there is already a way to enable transparent text.
Have you thought about a fade out, fade in tool for captions?
Yes, but its not something that would be used often in gifs
It says “the upload link has been placed in your clipboard” yet i have no idea how to open it. The videos i’ve seen they open automatically and mine doesn’t do that
Press Ctrl+V or right click on a text field and click paste to view the url.
I purchased this tool a number of updates back, but I can’t seem to update to the newest version. How do I go about doing that after already purchasing it?
So how long is the regged version good for? Forever or just that major version?
I found the page to request a new download link. I clicked it, but a dialog box popped up over the Save Download dialog. When I pressed the Escape key to dismiss the other dialog box, the Save Download dialog box disappeared too, so that download link is now not useable. I tried requesting another download link, but now it says a download link has already been sent to my address. How long do I have to wait now?
Also, please post a notice to let people know that download managers may pose a problem.
P.S. – There must be a better way of acquiring the software.
The links are one time use to prevent direct linking to the download; it has been done before. The cool down period between sending emails is 1 hour to prevent spam attacks. The text above the download link states that it does not work with download managers. You should be able to request a new link now.
It seems almost every GIF I try and make now always ends up having tears after I have capture from YouTube. Is there something I can do to fix this? It never used to happen.
Could be the HTML5 player, that you’re using too much CPU in other processes, or that the framerate is too high.
Thanks for the reply. I am fairly certain I am on the Flash player having opted out of HTML5 some time ago. I have tried as low as 10FPS and as high as 20FPS on the options to see if that changes things but it still has a tendency to tear. As for CPU, no processes seem to be using any high amount of it, the highest being Firefox itself.
A quick way to check if its HTML5 would be to right click the player. The flash player users a regular context menu while HTML5 has a weird all white menu. Other than that, I don’t know what else would be causing tearing.
When using version 3.5 with the “detect and select youtube” for firefox option, I get the error message that the flash plugin is not running when in fact it is. Any thoughts?
You may be using youtube’s HTML5 player instead of flash
I already had eliminated that possibility before posting. Tried YouTube Center greasemonkey script to manually select flash as default player for youtube to see if that would fix it and I get the same result. I’m positive youtube is using flash and not HTML5.
What flash process is running
When I edit and save a gif, it only saves a gif file that is 1kb. I am merging 2 gif’s together, both are low quality also. I read some previous comments/suggestions, nothing really the same as what I am dealing with. Also, after I save the gif (the 1kb file), the editor is still open…..and where my ‘working’ gif was in the editor, is a blank white box (same size as my gif) with a black X in the top left corner.
It sounds like this question:
That indeed was it, I just didn’t understand the wording of it at first……that is one I read. Works fine once you know what to do, thanks!
Hi! I’ve been a supporter since the start. Love how far the program has gone!
Question is. When it says theres a new version to download it just takes me to the front page. Do I have to pay for it again to update it everytime?
Woops! Disregard!
Found this: http://www.giffingtool.com/update-version
Good to see you found it :]
Hey, I just downloaded this program and I made two related gifs to post on my blog, but no matter what I do they won’t play and every site says the file is corrupted or wrong in some way. I don’t know why this is happening. Any suggestions?
If it is a tumblr based blog, tumblr only plays gifs that are small in file size such as 1.3 MB or less. You would need to shorten the gif, resize the gif, or record at 7-10 FPS to lower the file size.
Here are some short gifs:
Hello, just recently purchased GiffingTool, everything seems to be working fine until I try saving the gif. I end up with something like: http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq50/Skaiano/gt_bug_zpsf1f710cc.png
It doesn’t crash the program, as I seem to just click it and it goes back to normal. However, it doesn’t seem to actually start processing.
The green and red markers select the area you want saved. You have them together so you are telling it to save no frames. Drag them apart to the area you want saved.
Makes sense, works great!
Hello , I’ve recently been trying to purchase the giffingtool program with a giftcard on paypal but it wont let me purchase it. haalp. .n.
I am not certain what the issue is. You could contact Paypal on this issue. I’m sure their support can help you out.
Then , it is possible to purchase giffingtool with a gift card?
I am uncertain what the difference is. I would recommend to create an actual paypal account.
Thats alright ! I just made my payment using a substitute email .
Seems like my paypal account is glitching a bit .
Good to hear that you got it to work
I would like to download this, but I was wondering if it is compatible with mac osx? If not, is there any chance you will make a mac version?
Its Windows only. Its not likely that I would remake it completely for mac.
I’ve already purchased giffing tool but don’t have the email listing downloads any more. How can I have it re-sent? Thanks.
Use the update form.
Would be great if the “estimated size” changed when we change quality settings…. Filesize is always one of the biggest considerations when making GIFs. Thanks.
Ever since I advanced the optimization methods.
The estimated file size has always been overestimating and since each recording can have no optimization or every frame optimized.
There is no way to properly estimate it anymore.
Hello again! For some reason, the gifs once processed have a blue overlay.
Example – http://i.minus.com/ihdESLB3UVKiI.gif
this shit getting good lol.
I may just be missing it, but after I add text to a .gif I cannot get back to the other screen to edit the size/quality/framerate boxes. Or do I need to have that figured our prior to adding the text overlay?
Double click an empty spot to stop editing the current caption.
Hi, SEG!
I’m getting this error when selecting the area.
Tried the mentioned settings.txt and lowering FPS. Using v2.4 on Windows XP SP3 with .NET 4 installed. NET 3.5 installation gives me error, though, but Registry tells me .NET 3.5 is installed (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh925568.aspx).
That is very strange.
It looks like it might be an error on Windows XP with the icon resources.
Set it to run as admin and try compatibility mode Windows XP SP2. If it doesn’t work, I’ll see if I can convert the files in the next update.
Actually, my only Windows user account is set to run as an administrator and I’m on Windows XP SP3 (there is no SP2 compatibility mode). So, no luck there.
If you can come up with a solution, that’ll be great!
With the new update (v2.5), it’s all good. Thanks!
Good to hear, it reminded me to also use the new logo on the icons so I have to thank you for that.
Are there option/feature to turn off the looping in the gif?
That option does not exist
Hi i am using v2.4, when i save a gif the image resizes to a small resolution for some reason, and will there be a preview function, i saw on youtube videos that older versions use to have this feature thanks.
It resizes to 300 by default, you can increase the default size in the options.
The preview of the saved file is automatically shown after the gif is saved.
When I opened giffing tool, it prompted me to update and automatically closed so that I couldn’t use it. I sent a request to update, but it said my email wasn’t in the database. Not sure what to do here.
Quite a few things have changed since v1. Go ahead and give the update another try.
Hey, can you add the image hoster Noelshack for upload. (the most popular on the french internet).
Here is the api http://www.noelshack.com/api.php
Thanks a lot if you can !
I’ll give it a try
when i try to save my work i get this ” it seems something went wrong. Try recording a smaller area for a shorter time period to not overload your computer’s memory. The exact details of the error are:
Parameter is not valid “
You should use the latest version
I have the latest version, have set it to be admin and compatible with xp SP2 and I have having the same problems.
I downloaded the newest version(2.3) and whenever i make a second gif i get this
when i start recording. If i unpack the program and use it once it gives no error but when you make your second gif this error appears. Any solutions?
Should be fixed in the next update
I haven’t had a chance to test on another pc to see if it’s just me, but it seems as if the upload features are not working properly with version 2.2
Just downloaded it. Tried to use it several times, keeps crashing when I try to record anything. Tried changing the settings file, that didn’t do anything.
What error does it tell you when it crashes?
Does not work for me. When I go to save the gif, I get this:
Running on Windows XP SP3, logged in as admin
Are you changing the render settings before saving?
Have you done the first troubleshooting steps?
I don’t believe I changed any settings within the app. Here’s a screenshot… once I click save it crashes:
Since I’m running XP (SP3) and logged in as admin, there’s no compatibility mode to set.
Can anyone help to answer/resolve this problem. I am also facing the same issue.
I learned that this issue can be caused when the recording doesn’t match up.
Check your frames folder while in the editor to see if any of the pictures are 0 bytes in size.
What version are you using?
I am using version 2.3 and there is no zero size pictures.
And kindly check this video http://screencast.com/t/ElcplIBR
Have you tried saving it without playing the gif at the same time? Are you running it under a restricted account? Try moving the application to the C:\ drive and run it from there.
@SEGnosis : Answer to your below questions (as reply button was not showing)
1. Yes, i have tried it with & without playing the gif, but the result is the same.
2. No i am using it as admin, and i have windows XP SP 3.
3. Tried by moving to C, but of no use.
Are you on x64 bit? Try setting it to be on compatibility mode for XP SP 2.
The software works great but everytime I create a gif, they go faster than usual.
Does this happen when you record small areas as well?
If you are using an older version. It may have recorded at a slower speed than it was set to. So when they were played back and fewer frames were recorded than needed. It looks sped up. Try recording a smaller area or a lower frame rate that is more suitable to your computer’s capabilities. Or just use the latest version since it covers that.
Recently the tool is speeding up all of my GIFs. Did I mess up the settings? What should “Delay” be set to?
The delay should be the default it inserts. It shouldn’t be zero.
Hey, when making gifs in the past few days I get a rectangle of stuck image in the same place every time – http://i.minus.com/ibrJJ8l6G21nz4.gif
Any idea on what’s causing this?
It is a issue with the compression method. It could maybe get fixed with resizing the image.
is there any way of aligning the captions?
There is no auto alignment or snap features as of yet, but if you want to have it easier you can copy the caption and the new caption will be in the same location.
I stopped using the program for a while but then decided to start reusing it and when I did it refused to work. I can select an area to make into a GIF but it won’t let me cancel the recording and begins to slow down my computer to the point I have to shut it down completely. Also a pop up appears constantly afterwards with some coding and “The operation completed successfully”.
well…maybe my system isn’t right for it, but this seems to have been a waste or me. I can’t see the entire program screen and it doesn’t capture where I specify. Not a big loss at all on my part, but my stupid acer and windows vista don’t seem to do well with it.
Use bug fix number 1.
Works as described when making gifs but it can’t open existing gifs for editing. A “Processing” pop-up that reads “Reading gif Data” comes up and loads forever.
oh! i also can not open gifs at all. it just says “reading gif data” and just hangs there. i can’t even cancel and have to end the process.
Ya same here….Is it because of the size of the gif??? I’ve tried to open 900kb-1.7mb gifs and it just seems to hang like david said.
well i shelled out a buck for it. I’m having issues with the higher framerates in 1.9.
The delay is not being set properly to compensate resulting in super fast gifs compared to what i’m capturing. I’m trying to do it manually but it takes a loooot of trial and error. Would love to see this fixed. Also there are a lot less compression options now. Would like to see those come back, and would like to see more added like grey scale and otherthings gifcam already has.
The advanced settings where unneeded since it took a lot of tweaking. Instead I put the best settings and categorized them into quality.
Hey, I dont have a PayPal account and do not intend to create one
So how can I send the money so that I can download it??
Or can you give me a evualation copy so that I can evualate and then buy
I want to get this awesome software so help please
i seem to have a problem,
if i make a gif, 90% of the time my gif does not seem to work, what could be the problem according to you ?
would it be the size ? ( because very very very tiny one’s do work)… ( i would like to put my gif’s on tumblr )
Tumblr has a limit of around 1.2 MB per animated gif so you would need to either lower the frame rate or size to meet that requirement.
this is the error I get when trying to run after extraction. any help much appreciated! thanks.
Hi SEGnosis,
Thanks for this awesome software. 2 things to report, in case you have the time to resolve them:
1) The tool captures the image OFFSET from the area i selected (more to the top left). I have dual monitors which i think might be causing this issue?
2) The icon doesn’t disappear from the notification bar after closing the program (Win 7 x64). Moving the mouse near it makes it disappear.
Try the first fix in the bug report
Trying to make a GIF from a DVD, followed all the steps correctly but all I get are completely black fames. Not a particularly interesting GIF.
It sounds like the video player you are using might be using OpenGL which does not show up on regular screenshots. Try playing it with DirectX settings on or another player.
And when I use this setting file: startup|ZmFsc2U=&dithering|ZmFsc2U=&update|dHJ1ZQ==&sound|dHJ1ZQ==&framerate|OQ==&quality|MA==&font family|QXJpYWw=&stop record tutorial|ZmFsc2U=&stop url copied tutorial|ZmFsc2U=&record cursor|ZmFsc2U=&
I can access the options, but when I change the framerate I can’t click save and the dot is converted to a comma since in France we use commas instead of dots, forcing a comma for french systems or converting commas to dots works.
W7 x64
As soon as I try to mark an area (size does not matter, could be the entire screen or a 1×1 px area) I get the error message shown in the picture.
Note to self: Don’t try and troubleshoot without coffee in your body.
I never replaced the old line in the settings.txt, I -added- the new line.
Seems to be working fine now, and I’ll try the “different part of my screen” fix now
Good to hear
Every time I click on the “Update 1.5″ link, it just bring me to the top of the home page.
Not sure if this would be considered a bug, but with every gif there’s one pixel twoards the bottom right that changes colors it’s a pretty large annoyance when it comes to dark GIFs because of how noticable it is.
This issue is known
Just a little thing.
With the new 1.5 update, when I record a gif and the frames are processed and it leads into the editor, I see clearly that the resolution is something like 300×160 or something MUCH smaller, clearly much smaller, than what it was that I recorded. Is this a new thing here to stay?
By default it goes to 300 for making small gifs for imgur, but you can size it up by scrolling your mousewheel on the width/height text box or by entering the size you want it to be.
On the latest 1.5 build, it notches by 50 pixels instead of 2 pixels for greater speed.
Oups just tried the x64 version & 1.5 x64 still crashes for me on the save of the gif.
Let me know when you expect to have a new one X64 version !
Here’s a small bug with the 1.5 x64 version . At the start when it check for an Update he find One…. since I think the version of x64 version is hard-coded as V1.0.
Let me know… So I will redownload again & enable the “Update Check”
Thx for the update !
Thanks so much for this tool. It works great on one of my computers, but the other has the strangest problem.
When I try to capture video, it captures only a part of the image. All else seems to work fine; I don’t have any force quits or error messages. Just a blank checkerboard pattern where most of my captured video is supposed to go.
Here is what it looks like: http://imgur.com/a/BUiOk
FYI, this is a Windows 7 machine. I’ve had this problem with all versions I’ve tried (1.2, 1.3, and now 1.5). I use an external mouse which I thought was the culprit for a while because the screen capture did not match what I selected, but the main problem now seems to be that there is no capture for most of my image.
Thanks in advance for whatever help you can give!
I’m running Windows 7 x64 and I also get a crash when saving a gif. 1.4 works great for me, but 1.5 x32 and 1.5 x64 both have the same behavior. I tried running as admin, changing the security on the files, etc. I also tried installing imagemagick via their site as described by one of the other users, but no change.
1.5 is troublesome on x64 bit Windows, just keep on using a lower version and you’ll be great
Hello Dev, this is a very handy piece of software and I donated for it but recently I upgraded to windows 8, so whenever I try to save the gif, it comes as stopped working…
I tried the steps mentioned above but in vain nothing works
Please Help Me!!!!
Have you set the compatibility mode?
What versions have you tried?
Well I tried everything trouble shooting method you have given but with no luck and I also tried compatiblity mode
I have Windows 8 32 bit
Tool v1.5
So, I’ve extracted the file and then set it to run as Admin. And still, every time I’m trying to record something it doesn’t work. There pops up a message saying it has a invalid format or something, god I don’t even know what the hell that message is trying to tell me. Every time I press “OK” or try to close the little window it just pops up again three seconds later. I don’t know what I’ve done wrong!
I love the idea of your program and I’m going to buy it, I just want to make sure that it works first..
Try pasting this into your settings.txt file
startup|ZmFsc2U=&dithering|ZmFsc2U=&update|dHJ1ZQ==&sound|dHJ1ZQ==&framerate|OQ==&quality|MA==&font family|QXJpYWw=&stop record tutorial|ZmFsc2U=&stop url copied tutorial|ZmFsc2U=&record cursor|ZmFsc2U=&
Make sure all files are extracted
Thankyouthankyouthankyou, that really helped and oh jesus you’re a lovely person.
Keep up the good work and expect a donation soon, I’m just a little bit broke at the moment ..
Oh, I’m sorry for bothering you so much.
I made a GIF, and when I tried to save it everything just crashes. Go figures. So I’ve extracted all the files to their own folder, I’m running it as Admin and I’ve made sure that it’s an exception in my firewall.
When I save it there’s a message saying that there’s a problem with the program and that Windows is trying to find a solution. Then it gives me the option to close the program, and nothing gets saved. (http://imgur.com/NxO2MiL)
Do you have any suggestions?
If you are on x64, download the new x64 version.
Try downloading the new 1.5 version I uploaded an hour ago as well.
Could you compile a X64 version with the 64 bit version ImageMagick library since it crash on win64 with 1.5 ?
Thx !
I’ve tried running as admin and even set it to always run as admin, but the tool still crashes everytime I try to save a gif. I’ve also put everything in a seperate folder. Is there anything specific I need to call the folder? Any privileges I need to give the program? Any settings I can try tweaking?
1.5 does not work on x64. If you are x64 and it still crashes. It means that it is unable to access the gif.components.dll file.
I am not doing updates right now, try using one of the previous versions
Where can I find the previous versions?
Try the fix I posted here : http://www.reddit.com/r/GiffingTool/comments/1hub8r/giffing_tool_v15_on_x64/cays056
When trying to say a gif i get:
Application: Screen 2.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.IO.FileNotFoundException
at WpfApplication1.Editor.(System.Object)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(System.Object)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart(System.Object)
Btw i have xp sp3.
Make sure all files are extracted out of the zip and run as admin.
v1.5 is giving me a “Giffing Tool has stopped working.” message and crashing every time I try to save a gif. I have tried all compatibility and AV settings (even disabled my AV altogether). No dice. This has never been an issue with previous versions. Please advise. Great tool, btw!
Also tried running as admin and from different directories. Basically everything that’s been mentioned here
It might not work on x64 bit systems
Shit. I’m definitely on x64. What a bummer.
Any plans for future x64 compatibility? Could you please provide me with a download link to versions 1.3 and 1.4?
Yeah, I saw the x86 filename after I posted my last comment.
All good, I’ll stick with the older version until you work it in or someone comes up with a workaround.
Thanks for all your hard work!
Posted a fix here : http://www.reddit.com/r/GiffingTool/comments/1hub8r/giffing_tool_v15_on_x64/cays056
Great program, unfortunately it crashes every time I try to save one. I did everything it says up there to do in case this happens with no luck. Still crashes when I go save.
Same here Crash on “saving” with my Win7/64 computer
1.5 does not work on x64
Im still having trouble uploading my gifs. i saw the previous persons comment but even after i upload to imgur or something it just shows up in tumblr as a still.
Someone mentioned that the gif needs to be 1MB or less for tumblr to let it be animated
:/ so i just have to make my gif shorter? im not really fluent in computer data talk. sorry.
Yea, the file size in the title needs to say 1.0MB or lower
Ok so now im having this problem where i try uploading to imgur but it says no gif was made after i did everything.
OHH OHH ok i see
I’m using the Giffing Tool (which is a greatest thing I’ve found this year) and It works fine until I upload it to tumblr. Before I upload the gif plays out fine. Then when I upload it it freezes and you can only see the image of the beginning. The rest of the gif doesn’t play. Please, help?
Some people have had this issue with tumblr. Try uploading it to one of the services in the app and downloading it from there. A work around for now
I did still doesn’t budge :/
If I ever find the cause of that issue, I’ll have it fixed
The issue is that your file is to large, try reducing the width/height numbers, lowering the quality or adding dithering.
Keep it under 1 mb or it will not work.
Dang that sucks :/
The size gets reduced in the long run because of Tumblr’s layout. Just don’t make too long of a .gif and you should be fine. 300 x whatever is fairly large.
when i click on new it says
System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format3
at System.Number.ParseSingle(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt)
at WpfApplication1.MainWindow.()
and it loop until i kill it with the task manager
Extract all files, make sure no other application is blocking file access of the app. Set the app to run in compatibility mode Windows XP SP2 and run as admin.
That didn’t worket for me. Last tool was 1.3 was worked fine. After that this same error always.
Try pasting this into your settings file
startup|ZmFsc2U=&dithering|ZmFsc2U=&update|dHJ1ZQ==&sound|dHJ1ZQ==&framerate|OQ==&quality|MA==&font family|QXJpYWw=&stop record tutorial|ZmFsc2U=&stop url copied tutorial|ZmFsc2U=&record cursor|ZmFsc2U=&
Hey so I just tried to download the 1.4 update (kinda sucks that it was mandatory btw!) and I look in the zip file, and settings.txt is completely blank. It was a size of 0 both expanded and unexpanded. Downloaded multiple times, did not fix the issue. I’m not sure if this is what’s causing it, but now I keep getting the error on startup that it can’t find settings.txt (I am running as admin) even though the file’s right there.
Have you extracted all the files out of the zip? The update is only mandatory for 1.0, every version since has had optional updates.
Hi, I get this error when I click on the “Options” button: http://i.imgur.com/6MaBysJ.png
Since this error is equal to Dominick’s, I already tried everything you told him to do (I’m running it as admin, already tried running it as Win XP 2 compatible and I downloaded/extracted everything twice). If I click “New” the application crashes, and after I get the error in the screenshot (after clicking options) it crashes as well. Thanks in advance
Extract all files and run as admin
Tried that, same errors occurred
The only reason it would crash when it is in the options is because it is unable to access the settings.txt file. Make sure nothing is blocking the app
All files have full access to the other files in the folder, so I see no reason why the .exe isn’t reading the settings. Is it normal for the settings.txt to be empty…?
The settings file is suppose to be empty so when the app is run. It fills it with the default settings. If it cannot set the settings in the file or read the settings. The app’s file access is being blocked.
I have no idea what else to do… Thanks for your help anyway and thank you for all this
Try moving the files around to somewhere like the C:\ drive and adding it as an exception to any anti-viruses you may be using. A last resort may be disabling UAC.
My zip is GiffingTool1.3.zip but it’s still saying Version 1.2 in the about tab.
After running your program and pressing the red button, New, and selecting the area, the program simply would not record. It pops up a message which is normal I think since it asks me to try to keep it between 5-10 seconds long for recording. After pressing yes or no, the outcome is still the same. Nothing happens. When examining in task manager, I see that the program encounters a major memory leak. Not sure what exactly is causing the problem though it could possibly be external programs causing issues with it. The memory leak seems to reach around 1.2GB of ram and hovers back and forth +/- 50MB but slowly increasing over time still.
OS: Windows 7 SP1 64 Bit
RAM: 16GB Ram
I’ll post a follow up message IF an external program is causing the issue. Thanks for this awesome program. Now the only thing left is to get this working on my PC
One you select an area, it starts recording and you press ESC to stop recording.
If you receive that popup to record 5-10 seconds repeatedly. It means it cannot save the settings to stop prompting you.
This is from either
Hi, thanks for the fast reply. Actually, I was being mentally challenged that time hah. Forgot to hit esc. But anyway, the program does use a lot of RAM but I guess that is normal since this program is new. Thanks again for this awesome program. I’ll definitely donate for this!
So looking through these bugs I didn’t see this one, doesn’t mean you didn’t address it already.
Downloaded 1st version and 1st update. Came back monday and downloaded newest update. Problem didn’t arise until this morning.
Upon down loading each update I replaced the previous files and used the same folder originally designated.
GiffingTool loads properly, click New, screen greys out, select area. Upon completion of the Select Area process, program closes. After a few minutes or upon relaunch of GiffingTool, error message arises displaying text:
“System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0×80004005): The handle is invalid at System.Drawing.Graphics.CopyFromScreen(Point upperLeftSource, Point upperLeftDestination, Size blockRegionSize)
at WpfApplication1.MainWindow.|()
Hey, so just download the latest version again, tried selecting area…same thing happened. Only after the ‘Press Esc to Stop Recording’ Message box came up . So pressed escape and low and behold, about 4 GiffingTool Editor windows popped up…3 out of 4 had been recording the whole time 0_O…that would explain the High Memory Usage: GiffingTool alerts I was getting while the program was closed (I though). All set now I believe, have been unsuccessful in replicating reported bug.
When capturing a big image giffing tool won’t resize. This makes it so I can’t see the bottom part of my image and the app itself.
Add to the to do list
Whenever I record a .gif, it only captures some of the area I selected. The aspect ratio of the .gif stays the same, but it only captures 2/3 of what I wanted to. Would you happen to know the problem or how to solve it? I have a feeling it’s something to do with my monitor resolution, since it’s the ancient 1024×768. Any help would be much appreciated.
Also, I can take a screenshot if it helps.
Oh gosh, I feel stupid. Thanks for the help.
Whenever I click new and highlight an area, the app closes and nothing happens. I have both the 3.5 and the 4.0 installed. Also when I click settings, it gives me a message that says, “It seems something went wrong. Try recording a smaller area for a shorter time period to not overload your computer’s memory.” and when I close the error message, the app crashes and does not respond.
Set to compatibility mode Windows XP SP2 and set to run as admin
I did what you recommended and the app still crashes when I click options and nothing is recorded.
If it crashes when you click options. It means that it is unable to access settings.txt. Make sure no other application is blocking this app and make sure everything is extracted out of the zip
The app works flawlessly now. Thank you very much for your help.
Hi. I have a problem when the application just crashes every time I start it. Both .NET Framework 3.5 and .NET Framework 4.0 are installed. And in my settings.txt is completely empty. I tried downloading it twice thinking it might’ve not downloaded properly the first time but it’s the same. Any ideas why that happens?
Open your settings file and paste this into it
Then save and run the app
Everytime I click new nothing happens. The application is running without restrictions and I have set it to run as admin. Anything else I may have been doing wrong?
If you are using 1.0, it is no longer functional and you should download the latest version on the homepage
Just downloaded. Works like a charm! Thanks again for this wonderful product!
I can’t upload my, Gif image to any of the selected websites like imgur i even restarted my computer and still wont upload.
What message are you receiving from the application?
It says “Failed to upload Please try again Later.”
Where are you uploading to? Do you see the upload progress?
Yes but, Right when it’s 99.99% It just says the messege.
And i was uploading to Imgur
Whenever i finish recording it just shows a black screen or the last frame recorded when i try to edit it
Can you post a screenshot
The giffingtool screen-capture does not stop when I would like it to, it continues until it automatically ends the capture. Also, you can not change the hotkeys, not sure if that feature is unimplemented or what.
Press ESC to stop recording
Crashes as soon as it loads. I’m using Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. I have .NET Framework 3.5 and 4 installed. All files are extracted to one folder, the executable is running as admin. The messages I get are: http://i.imgur.com/deB1uQp.png http://i.imgur.com/BHd7MOE.png
“Nazwa zdarzenia problemu” means “Error event name”, and “Podpis problemu” means “Error signature:”.
Are you using the new settings?
New settings? What do you mean?
More settings have been added in the new settings file. If you do not use the new settings file. It may crash.
I didn’t keep anything from the old version – every extracted file is new. I completely deleted the old Giffing Tool before extracting the 1.1 version.
I will release another update today that should fix most of these start up issues
Unfortunately, the 1.2 version throws up the exact same error.
It could be since you are not using English as the language on your computer, but I am not certain.
When the app goes into tray for whatever reason, I can’t open it back up. neither right click nor left click work. running on windows 7 64bit with admin privileges and all updates up to date.
also, naming the .exe “giffingtool” instead of “screen 2″ is, in my opinion, a much better choice.
It crashes when I rename it so it is a bug I have to work on. To be honest, even “Giffing Tool” was a generic name just like Screen, but after the app went viral. I had no choice, but to keep the name.
If it goes to the tray when you select an area to record. It means that the application is recording and you need to press ESC to stop recording.
i cant get this to work on both of my computers. Please help
it says that i need it install Net frame work v4.0.3019 i tried it and still no available
Try also installing 3.5
finally, after testing it twice and it seems that i got it to work thanks
i had to open the zip file and extract all to one folder on desktop
Yes, it needs to access all the files or it will not work
The updated version crashes on launch. (only 1.1)
Windows is up to date and framwork is installed
What message do you see?
Are all the files extracted?
Is it running as Admin?
I have the same problem. Old one worked but the updated version crashes with a “Giffing Tool has stopped working” notification.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: screen 2.exe
Problem Signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: 51cdd59f
Problem Signature 04: mscorlib
Problem Signature 05:
Problem Signature 06: 50484bd7
Problem Signature 07: e49
Problem Signature 08: 8a
Problem Signature 09: System.FormatException
You need to extract and use all the new files, not the old settings
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